North American Orchid Center Logo Support


The North American Orchid Conservation Center is a coalition of organizations dedicated to conserving our orchid heritage. Established as a collaborative effort by the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) and the United States Botanic Garden, NAOCC is based in the Plant Ecology Lab at SERC, and includes Smithsonian units at the National Zoological Park, National Museum of Natural History and Smithsonian Gardens. Joining us are public and private organizations committed to the survival of our native orchids.

Map of North America with logos of NAOCC collaborators

Alaska Native Plant Society

American Orchid Society

Borderlands Restoration Network

Botanical Research Institute of Texas

Canadian Orchid Congress

Claytor Nature Center

Cornell Botanic Gardens (NY)

Desert Research Institute (NV)

Edge of Appalachia Preserve (OH)

Florida International University (FL)

Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) (CA)

Grand Traverse Regional Land
Conservancy (MI)

Humboldt Botanical Garden

Kachemak Heritage Land Trust (AK)

Lauritzen Gardens - Omaha's Botanical Center (NE)

Leelanau Conservancy (MI)

Little Traverse Conservancy (MI)

Matthaei Botanical Gardens &
Nichols Arboretum (MI)

Mid-America Orchid Congress

Naples Botanical Garden (FL)

Naples Orchid Society (FL)

Native Orchid Conservation Network (NY)

Native Plant Trust (New England)

Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves

Orchid Conservation Coalition

Old Dominion University (VA)

Plant Conservation Alliance

Pollinator Partnership

Polly Hill Arboretum (MA)                            

Powdermill Nature Reserve (PA)

Riveredge Nature Center (WI)

San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance

Santa Barbara Botanic Garden (CA)

Seeds of Success

Southern Ontario Orchid Society (SOOS)

Texas Master Naturalists

Texas Tech University

UC Santa Cruz (CA)

Univ. of Florida

Univ. of Wisconsin

US Forest Service

Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center

The Virginia Living Museum (VA)

Virginia Native Plant Society

Wabash College (IN)                  

Wintergreen Nature Foundation (VA)

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