Hal Horwitz was a pediatric dentist from Richmond, VA. In the 1980s he became fascinated with wildflowers and photographed little else. Hal developed a special interest in the orchids native to North America, and photographed nearly all the North American Species.
He and his wife, Helen, traveled from Florida to Newfoundland to Alaska capturing the beauty of wildflowers on film.
Hal taught numerous photography courses, showed multimedia presentations and lectured at symposiums, orchid societies, garden clubs, wildflower societies and civic groups.
His images have been published world wide in magazines, books, advertisements and digital productions.
"The orchid flora of North America exhibits wide variety in size, shape and color, and this selection of images has been chosen to exemplify not only their diversity but also to show a variety of approaches to photographing them. I am trying to show that there is no one right way to show their beauty. The challenge is for each person to find their own way of expressing their personal vision."