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David McAdoo © Mark Rose

David McAdoo has been hunting orchids to photograph for some 40 years. He is a retired businessman with no botanical training (West Point didn’t offer anything like that). He grew up in Pennsylvania and spent summers roaming the mountains where he grew to love wildflowers.
His first job out of the Army took him to Kentucky where he teamed with a park naturalist to see if they could document all the orchids in the state. Together they published "An annotated catalogue and distribution account of the Kentucky Orchidaceae in 1978. Since then he has had photos published in many books, journals, and magazines including covers.
David’s interest in our native orchids led him to form the Native Orchid Conference, Inc. with a friend in 2002. The organization operates two web sites, publishes a quarterly journal, and each year sponsors a four-day conference in different areas of the United States and Canada. The organization is proud to partner with the North American Orchid Conservation Center.
David gives numerous talks and leads field trips to encourage others to appreciate and conserve our wonderful wild places. He considers himself a portrait photographer of the orchids and hopes that the results give people an opportunity to see and enjoy the beauty of these wonderful, rare, wild plants.

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