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 Photo ©Wayne Longbottom

Maryland is one of the original 13 colonies with a landscape that stretches across three main physiographic provinces. Barrier islands and cypress swamps on the Coastal Plain give way to the low rolling hills of the fertile Piedmont then rise up to the rugged mountains on the Appalachian Plateau with hemlock forests, mountain bogs, and narrow stream valleys surrounded by steep ridges. These diverse habitats contribute to Maryland’s impressive flora that includes over 50 orchid species with observations that go back to the 1600s.

This month we’ve asked photographer Gary Van Velsir to remind us of those orchids which now appear on the list of Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plants updated by the Maryland Natural Heritage Program. Many of these plants are in trouble, including nine orchids that seem to have completely disappeared. Considered extirpated (locally extinct), could these orchids just be lost, waiting to be found?

Programs such as the Maryland Biodiversity Project (MBP) may be the first step towards rediscovering our lost orchids. This community of citizen scientists are the “boots on the ground” exploring remote areas as they photograph and catalog all living things found in the region. Perhaps they’ll stumble on one of our lost orchids, or discover something new.

MBP has compiled a checklist to learn more about Maryland’s orchids. Visit the Go Orchids website to discover what orchids grow in your area and which ones are at risk.

Gary, retired from a 30 year career as a mathematics professor at Anne Arundel Community College, MD, participates in the local speakers’ bureau using photographs from his extensive travels to illustrate natural history presentations that include not just orchids but other wildflowers and birds. He is an active member of the Native Orchid Conference and served on its Board of Directors. Currently, Gary and his wife Pam only spend part of their time in Maryland. They prefer winter on the West Coast, enjoying the desert wildflowers, hiking, and tennis in Southern California. Gary has a long association with NAOCC and was the first photographer to contribute images to the Go Orchids website.

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