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Marilyn Barker, photographer

 Alaska may be the ‘land of the midnight sun’ but those short summers and brutal winters hardly seem compatible with orchids. Yet with over 30 species, Alaska has 10 times the native orchids found on the Hawaiian Islands, home to just 3 native orchids.

This month photographer Marilyn Barker, and her associates Jim Wallace and Doug Veltre, introduce us to the orchid flora of our 49th state. Many species may be familiar, growing in the lower 48 states and Canada and reaching their northern limit in Alaska. Others, such as the Palomino Lady’s Slipper, have just established a foothold, extending north and east to Russia, Asia, even to the Arctic Circle.

To get you oriented, we start with a map. The Aleutians, Kodiak Island, the Kenai Peninsula – when you see where these places are located, you’ll gain a new appreciation for the term ‘hardy orchids’. The Bering Glacier, in coastal south central Alaska, is exceptionally diverse with 13 species of orchids growing on its rugged terrain. We hope you enjoy this trip up north and to learn more about all of Alaska’s orchids, visit Go Orchids.

Marilyn Barker completed her doctorate in botany with a minor in plant pathology at Washington State University, Pullman. For 30 years she taught biology and botany classes at the University of Alaska Anchorage and at Anchorage Community College and continues a professional affiliation with the Arctic Institute of North America. She coordinated an 8 year floristic survey of the Bering Glacier Region and has been involved with numerous vegetation studies, including Prince William Sound’s shoreline, Bering Land Bridge National Monument, Prudhoe Bay and an exotic plant survey for the Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park. Marilyn completed the Master Gardener Program and served on the board of the Anchorage Weavers and Spinners Guild, and plays flute in the Anchorage Community Concert Band.

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