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Remembering Jim Fowler

By: Jay O'Neill

It was with great sadness we learned our colleague, Jim Fowler of Greenville, South Carolina, passed away suddenly earlier this summer. At the time of his passing, Jim was on his annual field trip to photograph orchids on the winding road that leads to the summit of Mount Mitchell. Jim was a charter member of the Native Orchid Conference and travelled throughout North America photographing orchids in their native habitats.
Jim was widely recognized as one of the most gifted wildflower photographers and was always eager to share his discoveries with anyone interested in photography and field work.  He was a valued contributor to Go Orchids, providing us with images of some of North America's most spectacular orchids. His gallery on Orchids and Insects demonstrates not only his skill as a photographer, but his knowledge of the natural history surrounding these treasured plants.
Our sincere condolences go out to his husband Water Ezell and family. Jim will be sorely missed and we hope they will be comforted by the support of the many people touched by Jim's spirit and generosity.
You can read Jim's complete obituary, express online condolences and share memories here.


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